There really isn't much in-between the three options above. If a lawyer charges $2500, it has been my experience that the lawyer will not effectively challenge the charge or go to trial. All they can do is file the standard documents and take the standard plea, which is absolutely terrible in Washtenaw County. The Prosecutor knows all too well which lawyers have the resources to fight charges in court and which lawyers are taking minimal fees and doing very little for their clients.
I always start at $5,000-$7,500 for a first time DUI or OUI, depending on the circumstances of the case. When I begin negotiating with the prosecutor, they know very well that every one of my clients has the resources to pay for a trial or I would not take their case. I do not have to bluff or posture because I come to court as a genuine threat, every time.
Occasionally, I am asked to handle a DUI for $2500, but I must always respectfully decline the case because it would weaken my future clients’ chances of success. Not every case can be won at trial, but I work extremely hard to insure that every one of my clients achieves the very best outcome possible, no matter how challenging the case. I cannot and will not promise any particular results, but I am always willing and able to fight for what my clients need in court.